Days 93 and 94: Getting Through the Week

It seemed as if the weight of a usual week demanded that it be compressed into the short work week. And so we faced unreasonable demands, contradictory messages and abrasive attitudes. This made for angsty and discouraged troopers who were on the verge of developing collective high blood pressure.

But God is good.

My desperate prayers were met with warm encouragement, from people, books and songs. One thing that truly lifted my spirits and changed my perspective was reading the writing of Amy Carmichael. This passage particularly struck a chord.
When seen in the light of eternity, what are these momentary troubles? 

At times like these I thank God for friends at work. People who trudge on together and bring encouragement and practical help. People I actually like hanging out with outside of office hours. People who entertain my dress code days like today's red+white = pink!
So even at the end of the short thought week, my heart can say, God is good. 

Happy long weekend everyone!

Day 93- white top from KL, pants from G2000, shoes from Itti&Otto
Day 94- pink dress from London

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