One Heart and One Soul

We learned about the early church during Sunday school this week and we read this passage: 
"Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need." (Acts 4:32-35 NKJV)

We asked ourselves, what made the people of the early church behave the way they did. How did they give so freely to each other? Could we be like that too? And is there even a place for the church today?

My Sunday school teacher said that being part of a larger community was God's plan for Christians. For that is one of the channels by which we experience the love and grace of God. And as we receive, we too are compelled to give, and to be the vessel of Christ's love and grace to others. 

Being part of a community, we are involved in each other's lives. And it is through being part of other's lives that we also recognize the grace of God. If we did not belong to the church, we would only be able to see God's love and grace displayed in our own experiences. And how limited those experiences would be! But being part of this larger community, we celebrate as we see blessings poured out in another's life; we stand by those who experience loss. And we trace the Lord's hand together. 

This week, my dear friends Jerm and Hong Wee got married. And through their wedding, I caught a glimpse of how we too could be like the early church. Everyone was truly of one heart and one soul as they worked tirelessly and gave generously for the wedding. From the pastors, to the uncles who helped in the car park; from the choir to the decor team; from the contribution of the cake, to the contribution of the ice cream. Each person played their part because they had experienced the abundant grace of God in their lives. 

The wedding service was beautiful. But the testimony of God's love and grace in not only the couple's lives but the lives of each person involved was even more beautiful. 

It was a privilege to be part of the wedding. It is a privilege to be a part of their lives. It is a privilege to be part of this family of God. 

So my answer is yes, if God is real in each of our lives, we can be like the early church. And yes, there is a place for the church today.

Congratulations Hong Wee and Jerm. May Christ be the centre of your lives and may you always point others to Him. 

(p.s. Talk to me if you too would like to be part of this family of God)

Stand Up Comedy

We went to watch stand up comedy.
Got stood up by the stand up comedians instead.
So we took to the stage.

Just another episode of... The Gah-Men! 


The easter musical was lovely. Everyone sang magically and I could almost hear the love overflowing from each heart. That's how the most beautiful music is made right? With hearts of love. This year's musical was on the life of Paul. How one man chose to live his life because of the love and grace extended to him. The story and songs were so wonderfully woven together and by the time we got to the penultimate song, I was close to tears. "One day all the soldiers will go home. They'll cease fighting for the battle will be won. As the captain says 'well done, you've fought the fight the race is won'. Wounded soldier, the war is over, welcome home!" It was my first time helping out in costumes for a production and it was a blessing to be included in the team. It was pretty amazing how the guys were transformed with their constumes and makeup. But what was more amazing was seeing lives transformed by the Lord's grace. The musical will be on again today. 8pm at Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church, 301 Upper Paya Lebar Road. If you have some time, do come by and enjoy the musical and find out more about why Christians comemorate Good Friday and Easter. Come early as seats fill up real fast. Drop me a note if you would like to come. I'll try and save you a seat. 0 comments

Just a Closer Walk with Thee

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
I’ll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.

Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.

Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.

When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.

I was baptized about 15 years ago. I remember that when I wrote my testimony for my baptism, I quoted the words of this old hymn. I was young and my faith was simple. My simple desire was a closer walk with my Lord each day. 

During the Maundy Thursday service this evening, we remembered how our Lord Jesus was betrayed by one close to him, and how He chose to love despite the betrayal. Pastor spoke about how we must guard our heart from turning away and betraying our Lord. This could only be done with a close relationship with God. I was challenged to continue to seek this closeness with the One who gave His life for mine and suffered in my place because of love.  And I was reminded about this old hymn that I hadn't heard in years. 

15 years on, my prayer is the same. Just a closer walk with Thee.

All Roads Lead To Rome

My life's road led me to Rome last week. As they say, all roads lead to rome right? I was on a work trip, which meant we hardly had any time off the demanding schedule as usual, but the beauty of the city was unavoidable.
At every turn, we were greeted by an old church, a beautiful ruin or a quaint street. Each whispering of their glory days past.
We walked on paths that gladiators once strode through. We passed the corridors of emperors. We touched walls that witnessed the rise and fall of empires. While streets were filled with tourists, the air was thick with history.
We made the best use of whatever time we had to see the city. Which included walking to our destinations instead of taking a taxi, and brisk walking around the Coloseum just before closing time.
But at the end of the day, while all roads may lead to rome, my heart will always lead me home. And while im grateful for the amazing opportunities I have to see the world, I'm glad to be back where my heart belongs. 0 comments


It is my last night here in Rome. I'm in my tiny room with dim lighting, cracking walls and strange sewage smell. I'm down with a cold and my face is sore from blowing my nose countless times through the day. Things could be better. Yet all I can think about is how incredibly fortunate I am. 

I recognize that to be able to do what I do is an uncommon privilege that is undeserved.
I recognize that I am covered in prayer by many who love me.
I recognize the Lord's abundant grace upon me with His protection, strength and wisdom.
I recognize His hand in my life. 

And for that I am grateful to The Lord from whom all blessings flow. 


I was a School Girl Dressed in Blue

"I am a school girl dressed in blue
These are the things that I should do
Bow to the king
And curtsey to the queen
close my eyes and count sixteen!"
SCGS has great self awareness
Anyone remember skipping to this rhyme during recess? I do! My childhood school days were filled with wonderful memories of skipping, playing hopscotch, five stones, catching, scissors paper stone and my all-time favourite- Zero-Point! And all that was done in my little blue uniform.
Clockwise, from top left: With Ms Poon my Pri 4 teacher; with Ms Cho my Pri 3 teacher; with Ms Heng my PE teacher.
Heading back to SCGS on Saturday for the Mee Pok Day was a joy. We caught up with school mates, met our favorite teachers (who still look the same though 2 decades have passed since they taught me), and savoured the warm vinegar filled noodles again. 
Where my taste in beautiful tiles was honed
As we tread upon the beautifully peranakan tiled corridors again, we reminisced about the days we ran down for recess, played games in the amphitheatre, burnt food in the home economics room and dug holes in the ground during Girl Guides. 
We were really privileged girls to have been able to study there. The gorgeous environment we got to study in, the outstanding facilities, the wide range of opportunities and activities made available to us and the strong school tradition. Looking at what the girls do in school nowadays, things only got better, and I totally I want to go back to school again. 
Our memories of SCGS are gold. 
Each one of us was fashioned as precious jade and gold.